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Learn about Meaning Through Music

❤ Chapter 7 
( Meaning Through Music )

Hello My Lovely Friends....
How are you today?
I hope you're always healthy and happy :)

So, right now we are going to learn together about Meaning through music

I know you all definitely like the song and if you addicted with song, you must be excited to learn about this chapter

Ready to study? Let's we start it

Oh! But before we start, make sure you saw another update on my blog. Thanks..

Also don't forget to pray before we study


First of all, this chapter will explain by group 7. If you forget about who are the member in group seven, I will introduce all of them

From left to right. Deshilla Isandadefi, the handsome and gamer boy is Christoper, Hudiyah Inayati, and Adinda Keisya

Before we start, let's we listen Indonesian National Song 'Bangun Pemudi Pemuda'
 Before we jump into the topic, let's we sing together an Indonesia National song "Bangun Pemudi Pemuda"
Here it is our topic that we want to learn together. You can read and try to understand.

For this chapter our teachers don't prepare learning Material video. But don't worry, they have a short movie for us

Artist write songs and poem to express their feelings. Finding the meaning of a song is a dreaming taska because we do not know what the writer feeling at the time of writing the song

Okay I think that's enough for today. But before closing, our teachers from group seven, want to give a video from one of Indonesian local song. It is 'Kicir - kicir"

Alright friends thank you for learing  this chapter together.

I'm sorry if there are so many mistakes in writing. Comment down bellow if you don't understand about this topic 

I'll see you on the next update ;)


Quotes of the day
"You and me got a whole lot of history
We could be the greatest thing that the world has ever seen"


Wanna know more about me?
Come visit some of my social media
IG: @adelin_dk
Twitter: @adelin_dk
Facebook: Adelin Dwi Kusuma

【Friends, please write in the comment section what is your favorite song in this month . Also tell me the reason you like that song


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